Dance Education
He was born in Tarragona (Spain). He began his dance training as a Ballroom dancer with Spanish, Italian, Belgian teachers and reaches the top level in both styles (Standard and Latin) “A”.
He studied classical dance, contemporary dance, jazz dance in several studios from Tarragona, Barcelona, Madrid, Berlin and London. He studied Acting lessons in “Centre Escenic Torredembarra” (Tarragona), “Cristina Rota” (Madrid) and singing lessons with : Anie Sun and Zenon Recalde.
Professional Works
-2015 Choreographer “MERCEDES” event in “Mercedes Museum Stuttgart”.
-2014 Choreographer “Amor Robotico” Coreon Du, Shock Entertainment Miami.
-2014 Choreographer “Romance and Dance” show for TUI CRUISES Berlin.
-2014 Choreographer “Quien cree en hadas y duendes” Gambini Madrid.
-2013 Choreographer internet spot “ASUS”
-2008 Choreographer Ballet Symphony Show. Albacete (Spain).
-2014 Dancer “Gala Sabado sensacional” TVE1 production “Miramon medi”.
-2013 Dancer in TV ad. “VODAFONE YU”.
-2013 Dancer in TV ad. “MASTERCHEF” TVE1.
-2011 Dancer in Ballet “Mein schiff 2” TUI CRUISES. Tour in Europe, Russia, England, Irland, Sud America and Islandia.
-2006 Dancer in “Gala Costa Blanca 2006” . Prod. Jose Luis Moreno. TV5.
-2005 Dancer in “Cruz y Raya”, TVE1.
-2005-06-07 Dancer in “Compañía de teatro-danza Gambini” .Madrid .
-2004-05 Dancer in “Ballet de Teresa Raval” (Veo Veo shows).
-2002 Dancer in Company Spirit of Broadway. Islas Baleares. (Spain)
-2002 Dancer in TV ad COTTONELLE (USA, CANADA).
-2017 Choreographer “Die Zeitreise” in Tui Cruises Berlin.
-2016 Choreographer “Deutsch Rock Show” in Tui Cruises Berlin.
-2010 Annie. (Oficial Ward and first cover of Rooster) production “Theatre properties”.
-2010 Saturday night fever . (“Sal” and first cover of Frank Junior) production Stage Entertainment.
-2007-08-09 Hoy no me puedo levantar Production “Producciones Drive”.
-2006 Flash Dance, Grease, Dirty Dancing, Beatles, la leyenda Production “Elite producciones artísticas, M80 radio”.
-2005 Casa de locos production “Tramontana produccions”.
-2014 Choreographer “Romance & Dance” in Tui Cruises Berlin.
-2014 Assistant director company AL ANDALUS. Production Mahmoud Reda. (Egypt Folklore).
-2011-2012 Choreographer “BOUNCE TV” Angola.
-2012 Choreographer of “Dreams” in Tui Cruises Berlin for the repeating cocktail in Mein Schiff 2.
-2011 Dancer in Opera “Ifigenia en Táuride “ with Plácido Domingo in “Teatro real de Madrid”.
-2010 Dancer Company AL ANDALUS production Mahmoud Reda. (Egypt Folklore).
-2009 Dancer Company Bacantoh production “Fadoleas”.
-2005 Dancer Operas “Traviata” and “Aida” Tour for Nimes, Carcassonne and Luçon (France).
-2004 Dancer Company Máscara Laroye production “Recuérdame desnudo”.
-2003 Dancer Company Hojarasca danza in Burgos production “Confluéncias” with “Els visitants” from Castellón.
-2003 Dancer in l´Oreal event in “Palacio de congresos” Barcelona.
-2011-2012 Choreographer “BOUNCE TV” Angola.
-2006 Choreographer Latin dance numbers“El vendedor de sueños” y “Tiki”. Ballet Gambini.
-2005 Dancer “Mi primera ilusión” Máximo Escalera, Ecuador.
-1997/ 2000 Guest Dancer in several TV shows. –
– Dance competitions: 5º Spain Championship 10 dances 2001; 7º Spain Championship 10 dances 2002 ; 7º Spain Championship latín dance 2001; 24º International open Praha 2001; Semifinalist Spain Championship 10 dances 2001.
-2010 Torrente 4. Dancer. Dir. Santiago Segura. Prod: Amiguetes.
-2010 El Cónsul de Sodoma. Actor. Dir. Sigfrid Monleón. Prod: Trivisión S.L/ Infoco S.A
-2005 Reinas. Dancer. Dir. Manuel Gómez Pereira. Prod: Warner .
*TV Series
-2020 Last season “Altamar” NETFLIX
-2013 dancer in “DREAMLAND” Tv “La Cuatro”. product. Dreamland.
-2013/2014 Actor and dancer in “LOLITA CABARET” Antena 3. product. GLOBOMEDIA ESPAÑA
Real Conservatorio Profesional de danza Mariemma Madrid, Victor Ullate, Carmen Roche, Madrid Dance Center, Karen Taft, Performance Academy, El Arte de Bailar, Asociación Profesionales de la Danza (APDCM), Gambini, Vocacional, Cristina Valera, 180, Som Produce (Grado Universitario en teatro musical), Stravadanza, DDS, Flow, IAU Institut American Universities, TAI Escuela Universitaria de Artes.
BARCELONA- Internacional Jazz Dance Festival (LUTHIER), Slam Dancing, Aules, Unitimotion.
TARRAGONA- Artemis Estudi Dansa, Estudi Montserrat.
MENORCA- Ute Dahl, Asociación de escuelas Menorca.
GIPUZKOA- Asociación de profesionales de la danza Gipuzkoa (APDG).
VALENCIA- Let’s Jazz.
VIENNA- “ImPulsTanz”
LINZ- “Style in Motion Dance.”
BOLZANO- Bolzano Danza.
KALSRUHE- “Las Timbalitas”
BERLIN- Tanztage.
STUTTGART- “New York City Dance School” Stuttgart.
KIEL- International dance Festival.
HAMBURG- “Gina Workshops Hamburg”.
ERFURT- “Tanzhaus Erfurt”.
ESSLINGEN- Tanztage.
FRANKFURT- Tanztage, “Tanzprojekt Frankfurt”.
MUNICH- Tanztage.
KÖLN- Tanztage.
NUREMBERG- Tanztage.
BOMBAY / NEW DELHI- The Danceworx.
LUZERN- “Tina Dancemoves” Luzern.
BASEL- “Braswell Arts Center”, “BGB Schweiz”, BGB Schweiz.
BERN- BGB Schweiz.
ZURICH- BGB Schweiz.
HOUSTON- Houston University.